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Holiday Blitz: A Christmas Story

by Lane Fortenberry

Since 1997, A Christmas Story has played on a 24 hour continuous loop (TNT ran it from 1997 through 2004 before TBS took over), and odds are your family and friends have tuned in at least once every year. Why have we done this for so many years? Aren’t we sick of it? Of course not – because it’s the ultimate holiday classic.
There’s simply no other holiday movie like it. While we lounge in the comfort of our cozy Texas living rooms, the film makes it feel cold and snowy outside. It has heart and a plethora of laughs. It also makes us remember the disappointment we all felt when we were kids when we unwrapped the present we didn’t want (and still don’t want). When we were kids and felt bored, we assembled friends and wandered around, mostly getting into trouble. It’s quite different nowadays.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is still a wonderful holiday, but it doesn’t feel quite the same when you’re older. A Christmas Story offers that holiday nostalgia and the feeling of excitement for adults, while also catering to younger audiences.