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Masonry Blog

Cast and Crew calls: 10/29-11/4

Are you looking to work on a short film or take acting classes? Our friends at the Houston Film Commission make a list of casting/crew calls every week, which is a brilliant idea! You can subscribe to their newsletter at their website (http://www.houstonfilmcommission.com). If you...

Weekly Cast & Crew call: 10/09-10/15

Are you looking to work on a short film or take acting classes? Our friends at the Houston Film Commission make a list of casting/crew calls every week, which is a brilliant idea! You can subscribe to their newsletter at their website (http://www.houstonfilmcommission.com). If you...

Weekly Cast and Crew Calls: 10/8 – 10/14

Are you looking to work on a short film or take acting classes? Our friends at the Houston Film Commission make a list of casting/crew calls every week, which is a brilliant idea! You can subscribe to their newsletter at their website (http://www.houstonfilmcommission.com). If you...

Cast and Crew Calls: 10/1 – 10/8

Are you looking to work on a short film or take acting classes? Our friends at the Houston Film Commission make a list of casting/crew calls every week, which is a brilliant idea! You can subscribe to their newsletter at their website (http://www.houstonfilmcommission.com). If you...

Cast and Crew calls: 9/17-9/23

Are you looking to work on a short film or take acting classes? Our friends at the Houston Film Commission make a list of casting/crew calls every week, which is a brilliant idea! You can subscribe to their newsletter at their website (http://www.houstonfilmcommission.com). If you...

8/27 – 9/3 Cast and Crew Calls!

Are you looking to work on a short film or take acting classes? Our friends at the Houston Film Commission make a list of casting/crew calls every week, which is a brilliant idea! You can subscribe to their newsletter at their website (http://www.houstonfilmcommission.com). If you...

8/20 – 8/26 Weekly Cast and Crew Calls!

Are you looking to work on a short film or take acting classes? Our friends at the Houston Film Commission make a list of casting/crew calls every week, which is a brilliant idea! You can subscribe to their newsletter at their website (http://www.houstonfilmcommission.com). If you...

8/13 – 8/19 Cast and Crew calls!

Are you looking to work on a short film or take acting classes? Our friends at the Houston Film Commission make a list of casting/crew calls every week, which is a brilliant idea! You can subscribe to their newsletter at their website (http://www.houstonfilmcommission.com). If you...