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Meet the Team: Christina

6WIN_edited-1Christina Trujillo, who is writing this blog and thus feels a little strange about speaking in third person here, has been volunteering for BoomFest since 2010, although she regrettably found out about BoomFest too late to actually attend 2010’s festival. Christina moved here from Austin, and wanted a few friends, so she found BoomFest on Twitter and the rest is history.

She’s been a planner for the festival mostly, but this year she’ll focus on marketing the event. So… take it away, Christina:

“Thanks for the kind words, third person me. I’m really excited about 2016’s festival. This will be my 6th (seriously?!) BoomFest and, despite being in charge of marketing this year and having a biased opinion, I can honestly say that each year the festival just gets better and better. It doesn’t hurt that planning the festival is almost as fun as attending the event.”

2016 Festival Announcement/Update/News:

For today’s announcement, how about a sneak peek of our 2016 Poster, pictured below in 4 different colors:

adam balla, poster, boomtown, boomfest

Thanks so much to graphic artist Adam Balla for his take on this year’s poster. I’m in love with this striking, minimalist design that looks AWESOME as my iPhone wallpaper. It’s so different from last year’s poster and I can’t wait to have all four colors in my BoomFest poster collection. We’ll take a break from team-meeting tomorrow so we can interview Adam and hear more about his design.