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The Screenwriters

The Screenwriters (76 min) Directed By Peter Forbes. Faith Programming. It's 1940s Hollywood, and a jaded veteran screenwriter and a naive college grad must collaborate to finish a script in 24 hours while struggling against a meddling director, a studio tyrant, and each other's efforts to co-opt the story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgMlcQw4Ul4...

The Heart of Man

The Heart of Man (75 min) Directed By Eric Esau. Faith Programming. The Heart of Man is a cinematic retelling of the parable of the Prodigal Son, interwoven with true testimonials of personal and sexual brokenness. Narrative storytelling and documentary filmmaking are combined like never before to reveal the compassionate heart of God the...


Abide (12 min) Directed by Molly Vernon. Faith Programming. As a man faces the reality of his wife's dementia, he must decide whether to hold on to his guilt or let her go. You can see meet Molly Vernon in person as party of the Women in Film Panel at 1PM....