No matter if you’re an indie with a shoestring budget or in the big leagues, scouting and securing the right location is essential for making your movie. At BoomFest’s “Locations Locations Locations” discussion you’ll hear the lesson’s learned by a film professional with decades of experience, including as a location manager, producer and director!
Beaumont native Katie Cokinos began her career in film as an administrative assistant at the legendary media arts organization Southwest Alternate Media Project (SWAMP) before going on to be Managing Director of the Austin Film Society in its early years, from 1990-95, during one of the most exciting times for American independent filmmaking. She helped to make Richard Linklater’s “Slacker” and Eagle Pennell’s “Heart Full of Soul”, worked in location management for such indies as “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” and “Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, then went on to write and direct her own projects.
Currently Katie is the Senior Programmer at Upstate Films, Orpheum Theater and founder and curator of the Saugerties Film Society. She’s also developing a new film based upon “The Do-Right,” Lisa Sandlin’s 2015 noir mystery novel that is set in Southeast Texas, with the intention of shooting it in Beaumont, TX.