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Special Presentation of “Saturday Night Fever” (1977)

February 23, 2024 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Speaker: 7pm - 9pm

To tie-in with BoomFest’s special guest, Dolores Cantu, the Jefferson Theater will screen “Saturday Night Fever.” The film that 45 years later, still gives Dolores the distinction of being the only woman to beat up John Travolta on screen as part of the Puerto Rican street gang. Dolores will give an intro to the movie and offer a Q & A.

Saturday Night Fever

Saturday Night Fever

Anxious about his future after high school, a 19-year-old Italian-American from Brooklyn tries to escape the harsh reality of his bleak family life by dominating the dance floor at the local disco.

Director John Badham
Runtime: 112 minutes