Where Is Everybody?
Brandon, a teenager who accidentally falls asleep for a little too long, their disoriented awakening brings them into a place they completely recognize, but feels unfamiliar. Though they’re in their home, and everything is put perfectly in place, they quickly realize they’re the only one home. Whilst trying to solve the mystery of where everybody went, the ominous situation becomes menacing.
Director Rocky
Run time 12 min.
Cryptid Crisis
Zoe and Dale, two cryptozoologists and hosts of a cryptid live streaming web show, must venture into the woods of west Virginia to find Mothman and save their declining show. Other Cryptids, however, attempt to steal the spotlight.
Director Tsvetalina Pourciau
13 min.
Filmmaker may be in attendance.
Edentity Crisis
When middle-aged Ed buys a fake ID to join a senior citizen bowling league, he finds himself in a world of crime.
Director Hannah Johnson
Run time 13 min.
Part Time Criminals
Two Bothers and friend Les debate the Idea of robbing a bank and producing The Wizard of OZ to save their community theater. A local Bank robber inspires them into action.
Director Kelly Conlin
Run time 11 min.
Filmmaker may be in attendance.