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The Doc Block

February 24, 2024 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm

Speaker: 6pm - 7pm

Operation Song
Operation Song
“Operation Song”, titled after the organization Operation Song, that pairs professional songwriters with military veterans enabling them to write a song about their traumas from war and the things that give them hope.
Director Hank Bagwell
Run time 12 min.

American Made
American Made
Filmed on location in Knoxville, Tennessee, American Made tells the story of Marcus Hall and his rise from the projects, his fall from grace, and his climb out of public shame.
Director Dana Nies
16 min.

Scrap Arts Music
Scrap Arts Music
A behind the scenes look at the creation of the album Children of Metropolis by the experimental, Canadian touring band Scrap Arts Music, who use invented instruments made from scrap materials. Filmed over 13 days in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Director Kelly Conlin
Run time 25 min.