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12, Some Streeet, 12550 New York, USA
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Boom Fest Volunteer Meetup

Boomtown Volunteer Meetup
Free admission to BAW OPEN MIC (on Calder St) hosting Boomtown Film & Music Festival Volunteer (Make a tshirt & new friends) meet up.
Join us for good times, screen printing your very own Boomtown fest *tshirt ($5 suggested donation) with live performances at 6 PM by SETX talents and DJ Best Wave!
*Bring your own tshirt or find one at BAW. ANY COTTON MATERIAL CAN BE SCREEN PRINTED – Tshirt, dresses, bags, etc.
$5 suggested donation, Free admission and good times. Donations are appreciated.
BOOMTOWN FILM & MUSIC FESTIVAL, Friday & Saturday, February 23rd – 24th, 2024
More details to come!