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Meet the Filmmakers Panel

Filmmakers from several of our screening films sit down to chat candidly about their experiences and share tips with audience members. Ian Powell (Director) - Stripes Out Jason Leal (Director) - A Mild Skirmish Anthony Pedone (Director) - An American in Texas Amber Buras (Executive Producer) - The Last High Jacob Grim (Director) and Sal Hernandez (Executive Producer)...

Women in Film Panel

Special film panel with women working professionally in the film industry. We're excited for these women to come talk to us about their experiences, how they got in the industry, and where they think the industry is going from here. Panelists include: Anita Long (Producer / Director / Educator) Heather Benson (Special Effects /...

Selling Your Script Panel

Do you have dreams of being a screenwriter but don't know how to get people to pay attention to your story? We have Aaron B. Koontz and Joe Lansdale, both celebrated screenwriters, coming to talk to us about how to sell your script! They'll give you tips and tricks to get your work seen...