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Meet the Team: Christina

Christina Trujillo, who is writing this blog and thus feels a little strange about speaking in third person here, has been volunteering for BoomFest since 2010, although she regrettably found out about BoomFest too late to actually attend 2010's festival. Christina moved here from Austin, and wanted a few friends, so she found...

Meet the Team: Olivia

It's hard to introduce Olivia, as she is the unofficial Queen of Live Music in Southeast Texas, and it's rare to meet anyone who hasn't rocked out at a show she's booked. Olivia has worked tirelessly to bring awesome touring bands to Beaumont; first to her house/art gallery/live music venue/living art installation, as...

Meet the Team

In case you didn't know, BoomFest is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, run by a group of very dedicated film and music lovers. Our goals have primarily been to 1) put on an awesome film & music festival, 2) have fun, and 3) save our panic attacks until after the festival ends. So far, we've...