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Everything You Need to Know: Friday 2/26

Let's face it: there's a lot happening at #BoomFest16, so we'll wrap up everything you need to know about each day of the festival. Here's the breakdown for Friday, February 26th: McFaddin-Ward House & Logon Cafe (Bonus Event: Jefferson Theatre) Where: McFaddin-Ward House, 1906 Calder Ave., Beaumont, Texas Logon Cafe, 3805 Calder Ave., Beaumont, Texas Jefferson Theatre, 345...

Film Preview: Film Events for Filmmakers

Christopher Dombrosky is our longest serving BoomFest volunteer, having been one of the original planners for the Boomtown Film & Music Festival which started 9 years ago. Chris is also a filmmaker himself, and a devoted follower of all things film. To impress him isn't the easiest task, so when he put together...

Film Preview: Off-Beat Comedies

Here at BoomFest, we love a great comedy as much as we love a great art film. This year, we’re featuring a ton of quirky, off-beat comedies that show the world from a slightly bent perspective. Irreverent and original, The Life and Times of Thomas Thumb, Jr. provides a humorous take on the name...